"Our real work is taking care of our own minds." Ven. Lama Chödak Gyatso Nubpa
Welcome to Ari Bhöd the American Foundation for Tibetan Cultural Preservation. Established by the Venerable Lama Chödak Gyatso Nubpa Rinpoche in 2003, our mission is to preserve and transmit the priceless legacy of the ancient Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, a sacred culture of peace that has been kept vital and effective through more than fifty generations of lifelong practitioners and lineage masters.
Ari Bhöd’s retreat center, Pema Drawa, is located on 475 acres in the serene mountains of Tehachapi, California where northern and southern California meet. Ari Bhöd’s retreat land was given the name “Pema Drawa” (Lotus Web) by His Holiness the 4th Dodrupchen Rinpoche in 2009. Ari Bhöd’s principle programs and activities include:
The Tibetan New Year (Losar) begins with celebration and ceremony, continuing for fifteen days and culminating on March 14th, the auspicious day of Chotrul Düchen. These two weeks commemorate the anniversary of the fifteen days of miracles displayed by the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni.
Each of these days is a karmic multiplication day, where all of our actions— both virtuous and non-virtuous—are significantly magnified. This can be a purposeful time for us all, as it affords us the opportunity to pause and pay attention to our many actions of body, speech, and mind (both virtuous and non-virtuous). This time also provides us with a wonderful chance to refocus our practice, mindfulness, and diligence as we strive to follow the living example of Buddha Shakyamuni and remember to be good, caring humans.
Losar Tashi Delek! We wish you all boundless joy and good fortune and pray for the accomplishments of all your heart’s aspirations!