The Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal is the mother of all Buddhas – the Wisdom Consort of Guru Padmasambhava. Yeshe Tsogyal possesses inconceivable primordial wisdom, compassion, and the power of protection and the manifestation of enlightened activities. This Tagsham Yeshe Tsogyal Practice helps us to attain these qualities through purifying our two obscurations and perfecting the two accumulations. –Lama Chödak Gyatso Nubpa (1951-2009) |
Under the auspices of the Venerable Lama Chödak Gyatso Nubpa Rinpoche Ari Bhöd Announces the Much-Celebrated Return of HIS EMINENCE NAMKHA DRIMED RABJAM RINPOCHETo Pema Drawa, in the beautiful mountains of Tehachapi, CA. |
SEPTEMBER 16th – 19th, 2016 |
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TAGSHAM YESHE TSOGYAL RETREATFrom the Treasures of Tagsham Nuden Dorje September 16th, 17th & 18th This is an intensive practice retreat comprising three days of sadhana practice, including daily tsog offerings. The retreat begins with the bestowal of the Yeshe Tsogyal Empowerment (just added!) and concludes on Sunday with the bestowal of the retreat blessings by His Eminence. IMPORTANT SCHEDULE CHANGE–EMPOWERMENT JUST ADDED! |
THE EMPOWERMENT OF YESHE TSOGYALFriday, September 16th (Morning) His Eminence will now be offering the YESHE TSOGYAL EMPOWERMENT at the beginning of this retreat. The empowerment is scheduled for the morning of the first day of the retreat, Friday, September 16th and is a prerequisite for all attendees. |
THE EMPOWERMENT OF DORJE DROLÖSaturday, September 17th (Evening) This Dorje Drolö practice is a mind treasure revealed by His Eminence Namkha Drimed Rinpoche. Guru Dorje Drolö, one of the Eight Emanations of Guru Rinpoche, is the powerful display of Guru Padmasambhava emanating in his most wrathful form. This practice of Dorje Drolö has the potential to transform one’s mindstream to a compassionate state and swiftly conquer inner and outer poisons, negativities and obstacles. * Concise practice text will be available in support of this empowerment. |
FIRE PUJA of KING GESARMonday, September 19th This will be a day of group practice as His Eminence Namkha Drimed leads the profound offering of fire puja. To participate in this puja you must receive the oral transmission (LUNG) from His Eminence on Sunday evening, September 18th. His Eminence will offer the lung for this specific Gesar Practice at the conclusion of Sunday’s Yeshe Tsogyal retreat. For this reason, attendance is limited to those attending the entire Yeshe Tsogyal retreat. |
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RETREAT COSTSNon-Member Rate $600.00 Complete four-day retreat rate $155.00 Daily Non-Member Rate (The DAILY RATE does not include lodging: this option is for those with permission to participate in a single day of retreat or on a part-time basis. This rate includes meals.) Ari Bhöd Member Rate $555.00 Complete four-day retreat rate $145.00 Daily Member Rate (The DAILY RATE is for Ari Bhöd members with current, active memberships. This rate does not include lodging and is for those with permission to participate in one day of retreat or on a part-time basis. This rate includes meals.) *The Member rate is extended to all those participating in Ari Bhöd’s paid membership support program, and whose memberships are ACTIVE. COMPLETE FOUR-DAY RETREAT COSTS INCLUDES: All teachings/ceremonies/empowerments/fire pujas/use of necessary supplementary texts as well as well as dorm- style lodging or camping and three daily meals. |
Part-Time & Off-site Attendance Rate $140.00 Part-time Daily Rate (This day rate is for our guests opting for off-premises hotel or other lodging and includes lunch only. No lodging or shuttle service included in this rate.) IMPORTANT! If you would to like request to attend the retreat on a part-time basis, please contact the office (phone: 626.564.0702, e-mail: prior to registering). |
•All Retreatants must Pre-register by 5:00PM on Friday, September 9th. •Partial attendance is by permission only. • Schedule times may change according to the inspirations of His Eminence, so please allow for flexibility. • No shuttle is available for partial retreat attendance or offsite lodging; you must drive up our mountain road in your own vehicle (4X4 recommended). • WE HAVE HELD A LIMTED NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS IN TOWN Please contact us at if you are interested in staying in the town of Tehachapi. You must book early, as there is an international cycling event being held in the town of Tehachapi at the time of the retreat. Last-minute booking of local lodging will be difficult-to-impossible! • A limited number of work-study positions are still available. Email now for details and to apply. • Full Payment is due at registration to guarantee your spot at the retreat. 50% of this amount becomes non-refundable after September 9, the registration deadline. • NOTE: The Vajrasattva Purification & Healing Ceremony led by His Eminence on Thursday the 15th of September at 5 PM at Pema Drawa is being presented by our friends at Ripa Ladrang. YOU MUST REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT on the RIPA website HERE. If you will be registering as a full-time participant of the Yeshe Tsogyal Event at Pema Drawa and you would like to spend Thursday night at Pema Drawa, you will need to register for this additional night on your Ari Bhöd registration form. |
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Register now to secure your reservation as onsite lodging is limited for this retreat! Retreat Registration Deadline is 5pm on Friday, September 9th. |
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“The Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal is the mother of all Buddhas–the Wisdom Consort of Guru Padmasambhava. Yeshe Tsogyal possesses inconceivable primordial wisdom, compassion, and the power of protection and the manifestation of enlightened activities. This Tagsham Yeshe Tsogyal Practice helps us to attain these qualities through purifying our two obscurations and perfecting the two accumulations. From a relative point of view, we undergo this unsurpassable practice to become the rightful recipient of the four empowerments and the empowerment of the dynamic energy of intrinsic awareness, to generate the timeless wisdom of great bliss and emptiness, and to create the interdependence of being taken under the care of the precious Guru. From a historical point of view, it is due to Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal’s compassion, wisdom & power of total recall that we have the entire teachings of Guru Rinpoche intact. These teachings of Guru Rinpoche are revealed by treasure revealers from time to time. In sum, the Yeshe Tsogyal Drubchöd is a practice on the manifestation quality of the primordial nature in accordance with the unsurpassable Ati Yoga teachings. During the Tagsham empowerments in Brazil, our precious master H. E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche emphasized the importance and need for this practice for all the Vajrayana practitioners in general, and his students in particular. Therefore, this is one of those few retreats which we cannot afford to miss.” –Lama Chödak Gyatso Nubpa (1951-2009) |
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If you are unable to attend this retreat in person, yet would like to participate in the accumulation of the merit of the retreat’s accomplishment, we invite you to do so by making offerings to any of the following: •Shrine & Ceremonial Support •Tsog & Butterlamp Offerings •His Eminence & retinue; Visiting Lama Support •Sponsorship of a Retreatant •Tea and Meal Service Sponsorship •Fire Puja Offerings Please click below and make sure to include your dedication of merit on behalf of yourself or a loved one. |
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HIS EMINENCE NAMKHA DRIMED RABJAM RINPOCHEHis Eminence Namkha Drimed Rinpoche is the supreme head of the Ripa Lineage of Nyingma Vajrayana Buddhism and a living Tertön (Treasure Revealer). The Ripa Lineage has its historical roots in the supreme head, Glorious Master Ripa Pema Deje Rolpa, the leader of both the family and dharma lineages of Rigon Tashi Choeling Monastery. The practices of the Ripa lineage are based on Tagsham Samten Lingpa‘s vast Terma cycle of revealed teachings which also includes the most elaborate account of the life of Yeshe Tsogyal (Note that the Tagsham teachings come from a time prior to Pema Deje Rolpa and are a Nyingma Cycle of teachings originating from Yeshe Tsogyal and her primary consort Arya Sale). His Eminence Namkha Drimed Rinpoche is also the revealer of the complete cycle of teachings/practices on the life of Gesar of Ling, the enlightened warrior-king of Tibet. (CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT HIS EMINENCE) |
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May Wisdom and Compassion Flourish! |
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