The new retreat facility in Tehachapi houses the Shi-tro Mandala for Universal Peace, the first traditional three-dimensional Tibetan mandala ever constructed in the United States and one of the few accurate depictions of the Shi-tro Mandala in the world.

Tehachapi has also been chosen as the location for the construction of Zangdok Palri USA. This highly symbolic mandala represents the enlightened mind of Guru Padmansambhava, the master who brought Buddhism to Tibet in the eighth century. For those who see, touch, enter or remember this sacred structure, it is said that a connection is made to quicken one's spiritual development and to realize one's innate compassion.

Under the direction of the Venerable Lama Chödak Gyatso Nubpa, we have already begun the initial stages for constructing this mandala as a centuries lasting, four-story monument dedicated to global peace & harmony.

 Ari Bhöd’s Design Team is led by master mandala artist Pema Namdol Thaye, with his Uncle and Teacher, Ven. Lama Gonpo Tenzin – one of the few senior Tibetan masters remaining with the knowledge required to accurately depict this cultural treasure. Our Zangdolk Palri Architectural Team is led by Michael Rotondi, award winning architect and educator; founder of SciARC & Morphosis.

Historically this mandala is extremely ornate and detailed, requiring rare, esoteric expertise that is currently in danger of being lost. Only a few elderly Tibetan masters remain with the knowledge required to accurately depict this cultural treasure, making time an urgent consideration in this project.

In addition to preserving key bodies of traditional knowledge through the construction of mandalas, Ari Bhöd will continue to build existing collections of rare Tibetan artwork and relics for preservation and restoration purposes. Ari Bhöd will continue to work closely with our monastic and academic affiliates to restore, preserve and translate rare texts and Tibetan writings spanning as early as the 8th century BC up to works of modern day masters. In all of our ongoing preservation efforts, Ari Bhöd strives to set a global standard of accuracy and authenticity.